Monday 11 March 2013

How tax works in Dolphin -4 Tax in your quotes

Following on from our posts in October last year - How Tax Works in Dolphin - 3 Assigning a Default Tax to a Stock or Service Item, we now address how the estimating module and cost calculations  use ( or rather don't use)  the tax percentages that have been setup on Client and Stock Items.

Tax in the Estimating Module

In the Estimating Module ;  there is no tax calculated into the Quotes , and there is no tax calculated from , or added onto the cost calculations inside the quotes.

The system works from the starting point that the Estimating Module has 2 functions; firstly to calculate the exact cost ( or as near to it as possible) of a specific Job, at various quantities, and secondly to produce an accurate and acceptable  Quote value for each quantity that takes into account your various setups and markups as captured and managed in the system by you.

None of the amounts you see on the screen include tax ( from a calculation perspective ) and the system treats all of your various prices , discounts and costs as Tax exclusive.

When a quote letter is produced, the report that is used to produce the letter is setup to calculate the Tax for you, and add this onto the quoted amount.

If your Quote letter has been setup incorrectly, you may see a tax amount displayed where none should be -  please report this as soon as you notice it to your Distributor so they can make the necessary fixes for you.

In our next post we will address Tax in the Production Module and how it works on your Invoices.

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